Everything you need to know about export control

In times of increasing globalization and extensive trade between countries, more and more governments are imposing strict export control regulations. This is the case when exporting military items from one country to another, but so-called ‘dual-use goods’ are also subject to export control provisions. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about export control. Does your organization currently have an adequate export control procedure? Read the article and find out.

What is export control?

Export control refers to regulations and policies implemented by governments. These are intended to manage and monitor the export of goods, technologies and sensitive information from one country to another. These items are subject to restrictions or licensing requirements before they can be exported to other countries. Examples of these items could include military equipment, dual-use technologies (items with both civilian and military applications, such as certain chemicals), controlled substances, software, and technical data.

Why do governments impose export regulations?

As you can imagine, the most important goal is to ensure national security with export control regulations. Besides that, these regulations are also meant to prevent the reproduction of weapons, protect sensitive technologies and promote international trade in a more controlled manner. Governments enforce compliance through monitoring and inspections. When you do not adhere to the correct export control provisions, you risk high fines and penalties.

Results of violations of export regulation

Not adhering to government-imposed regulations can lead to serious consequences for you or your business. These penalties usually vary depending on the violation. Some examples of consequences are:

  • Civil penalties: your company could receive monetary fines ranging from thousands to millions of euros, depending on the extent of the violation.
  • Being banned from exporting goods: the export licenses of your business could be suspended or revoked entirely.
  • Criminal prosecution: in cases of serious violations, you or your company might even be subject to criminal prosecution. This could result in fines or even the dissolvement of a business.

Our solution pillars

We offer a unique Export Control & Compliance program, called the “A4 approach”. The A4 aproach, combines solid compliance structure with Lean Six Sigma / Lean Thinking techniques. Why? Because it is simple, easy to understand and a perfect base to find the compliance starting point withing your organization


Most companies are not aware of sanctions & export control regulations. We create awareness by straight forward, to-the-point training.


What is the maturity of your sanction & export control compliance? We have developed a lean compliance assesment tool called SCAN365.


Now you’re aware of the gaps in your compliance process, fixing them is the next challenge. Translating the gaps in your processes into solid solutions.


Outside assistance and coaching will keep you sharp. Because you can’t know everything in the volatile domains of sanctions & export controls.

Different types of export control

There are several types of export goods that governments regulate. The following are some of the most important types:

  • Dual-use goods: dual-use goods are items, technologies or sensitive information that can be used in both civilian and military cases. Think about advanced electronics, software and dangerous chemicals or materials. Governments want to prevent the use of these goods in military activities, or want to make sure that they are not reproduced on a large scale.
  • Military items: goods that are specifically designed or modified for military purposes are also subject to an extensive export control procedure. Examples include weapons, ammunition, and military vehicles. These items are directly linked to national security, and therefore usually have to adhere to strict regulations.
  • Restricted technologies: certain technologies, for example those that are related to nuclear, chemical, biological or missile technology, are subject to strict regulation regarding export to other controls. Just like in the other cases, governments want to prevent reproduction and misuse.

How do you stay compliant and avoid export control issues?

It is crucial for businesses that regularly export goods from one country to another to make sure they stay compliant with all rules and regulations. This is important, because if you do not comply you risk high fines and penalties on top of export control issues. The first step to make sure your company and your employees are complying with the regulations, is to know where you stand right now. You have to evaluate your compliance process to figure out if you adhere to all the relevant rules. A tool that can help you with this evaluation is Scan365. This scan is based upon the European Union Guidelines for Internal Compliance Programs, and the US BIS guidelines for effective export control management programs.

Discover export control services

It is obvious that it is extremely important to make sure you are complying with all relevant export control provisions. However, it can be quite difficult to navigate all the complex laws and regulations that are implemented in different countries. Especially if you do not really know what you are looking for in terms of export control. Export Control Group has several export control services to help you become compliant and understand all regulations. For example our A4 approach: the perfect base for your organization to become compliant. You could even decide to outsource this knowledge to experts and hire an export control officer.

Do you have any questions regarding export control regulations and how to become compliant? Feel free to contact us and request a non-commanding introduction using the form below.

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