Avoid export risks by applying for an export control licence

Is your organization involved in the export of dual-use (technology, services or information that are designed or suitable for both civilian and military purposes) or military goods from the European Union (EU)? Then you are required to obtain a special export control licence to make sure that the export is safe. Discover everything you need to know about export licensing procedures down below.

What is export control?

Export control refers to regulations imposed by governments. These are intended to monitor the export of goods, technologies and even sensitive information from one country to another. The goods, technologies and information that are subject to export control are mostly military equipment, dual-use technologies and software. Trade between countries has increased more and more. While this is a good sign for globalization, it also comes with security risks. That is why governments impose strict export control regulations.

How do I get an export control licence?

Do you want to export goods that are of military or dual-use nature? Then you need to apply for an export licence. In the Netherlands, you can apply through the Customs’ Central Import and Export Office (CDIU). This office processes all dual-use licence applications and most of the military license applications.If you are exporting to certain high risk countries or regions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will decide if you will receive an export licence. If the CDIU is convinced that the goods you are exporting are not threatening international security and will be used for permitted purposes, they will approve the application on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Our solution pillars

We offer a unique Export Control & Compliance program, called the “A4 approach”. The A4 aproach, combines solid compliance structure with Lean Six Sigma / Lean Thinking techniques. Why? Because it is simple, easy to understand and a perfect base to find the compliance starting point withing your organization


Most companies are not aware of sanctions & export control regulations. We create awareness by straight forward, to-the-point training.


What is the maturity of your sanction & export control compliance? We have developed a lean compliance assesment tool called SCAN365.


Now you’re aware of the gaps in your compliance process, fixing them is the next challenge. Translating the gaps in your processes into solid solutions.


Outside assistance and coaching will keep you sharp. Because you can’t know everything in the volatile domains of sanctions & export controls.

Export control risks

When your organization takes part in the export of dual-use and military goods, you have to keep in mind that you are dealing with quite a few export control risks. Export licensing procedures and formalities are only the beginning of export management. Export Control Group has grouped export risks in the 4 P’s:

  • Product: the correct classification code (ECCN) is the responsibility of the manufacturer or supplier. The wrong classification could easily result in violation of export control regulations.
  • Place: you need an international export license to export outside of your own country. Each country has its own rules and regulations, so you need to be aware of all the relevant ones when exporting goods, technology or sensitive information.
  • Party: who are you exporting to? It is not only important to know your customer, but also your suppliers, subcontractors, distributors… the list goes on. If you are involved with questionable parties you might be risking violations.
  • Purpose: you have to make sure that your products are being used for the intended purposes.

Export Control Group can help you

Acquiring the right export licenses is vital for your risk management within the extensive world of export control rules and regulations. However, this only the beginning. There are many more export risks that you have to consider when exporting goods outside your own country. If you do not adhere to these regulations, you are risking high fines and even prosecution. Export Control Group can help you. We can give you the right information, can educate your colleagues and you could even hire an export control officer as a service. Want to know more? Do not hesitate to contact us using the form below!

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